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a little more about my work


Why I love what I do & how it can benefit you!


In my heart, I have always believed that the body has the ability to heal itself if the proper modalities, environment and support are in place. Over the years of practice, I saw the most amazing physical transformations take shape with chiropractic adjustments and witnessed the body’s natural ability to heal. Once I added coaching and energy healing to my list of modalities, the pieces of the puzzle started fitting together for me. I was able to tap into, emotional, mental and spiritual states that took “patient care” to a whole new level and helped me see the bigger picture. Understanding emotional, mental and physical trauma and their relationship to one another, has given me the ability to not only make patients feel better but to heal better.


Health is dynamic and multifaceted. Whether you choose to start your self-care practice on a physical, mental or emotional level, chiropractic, energy healing and SoulFull coaching allows me to meet you where you are and what you are ready for. These forms or treatments naturally bring out a deeper sense of self-awareness that allows you to continue your healing, your way.

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