Energy Healing
Intuitive SoulFull Coaching
Whether you are new to Chiropractic or an experienced patient, I tailor chiropractic care in accordance to your needs. Techniques used are Diversified Manual, Thompson Drop and Activator Methods. Your initial chiropractic visit with me is 45 min. Getting a detailed health history and understanding you from a physical, mental and nutritional level is the start of creating a proper foundation for your treatments. Specific tests and exercises allows me to assess, diagnose and see your whole picture. An adjustment is delivered in the same visit.
Follow-up visits are 15 minutes.
Energy Healing is a sacred practice for me and I have created a space that reflects that. During a session, you will lie on a massage table fully clothed, as I gently place my hands, palms down, on or just above your body in specific energy locations. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Energy healing treats the whole person including mind, body and spirit creating many beneficial effects. These would include, but not limited to, relaxation, pain reduction, speed up healing and also encompass feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. These treatments can be delivered in person, or by distant healing. Energy has no boundaries therefore can be delivered to a recipient anywhere.
Sessions are 60-90 minutes.
I have been working on developing my own sense of connection with the Universe for over 25 years and have made amazing strides with my spirituality. I have achieved a level of harmony and satisfaction through my inner work and through the energy healing that I have experienced. The knowing and awareness that I have developed only gets deeper and more meaningful. Having said that, the one thing I am certain of is that this journey will continue till my last breath. And, now I am being called to help you do the same. With me as your guide, I will help you strengthen your connection with your higher self. By doing so, you will begin to discover your own internal blocks, past wounds, therefore allowing your healing to begin. Part of that process involves releasing judgement, negative self-talk and shifting you into a positive mindset. When you remember and honour your connection with your higher self, soul and spirit, you start cultivating feelings of self-love, compassion, awareness and authenticity. This kind of communion will help you uncover your spiritual purpose and path in life empowering you to embrace who you are truly meant to be. Tapping into your intuition will help you navigate through difficult life challenges with more confidence, trust and ease. Your actions become purposeful and intentional. Understanding the energies that flow through you, will also help you understand that something greater exist beyond your sacred space. With the use of specific healing tools and techniques, such as energy healing, grounding, journaling, breathing and meditation, the ultimate result is living a life of deeper meaning, purpose, joy. Creating peace and harmony, as you build your own sense of wholeness takes less effort. These sessions can be done in person, virtually or over the phone.
Here's what to expect:
Initial Assessment and Energy Healing (90 min)
Findings used to create individual plan for coaching
6 x 60 minute 1:1 customized coaching sessions (bi weekly)
Text / voice note support for 3 months
Tailored practices for mind, body, and spirit
Safe space to be seen, heard and supported
Recording and/or notes from each session
Additional tailored resources (books, podcasts, videos)